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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# inf2mondb.py: convert .inf files for monitors to MonitorDB
# Matt Wilson <msw@redhat.com>
# Copyright 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
# Some fixes by Onur Küçük <onur@pardus.org.tr>
# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
# library public license.
import sys
import string
import re
def usage():
print "Usage: inf2mondb.py filename.inf"
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
except IOError, (errno, str):
print "Unable to open %s: %s" % (sys.argv[1], str)
lines = f.readlines()
# the current section
section = None
# monitors - a dictionary keyed off manufacturers
monitors = {}
# a dictionary of manufacturers we're looking at
manufacturers = {}
# registry sections mapped back to the install sections
regsections = {}
# install sections that map back to monitor definitions
instsections = {}
# a big fat dictionary of strings to use later on.
strings = {}
class Monitor:
def __repr__(self):
return "%s; %s; %s; %s; %s" % (self.man,
def __init__(self, man, id, edid):
self.descr = ""
self.man = man
self.hsync = ""
self.vsync = ""
self.id = id
self.edid = edid
sectRe = re.compile(r'\[*\]')
sectSplit = re.compile(r'[\[\]]')
infoSplit = re.compile(r'[%=\\;]')
# This RE is for EISA info lines
# %D5259A%=D5259A, Monitor\HWP0487
monitor1Re = re.compile(r'%*.%.*=.*,.*Monitor\\')
# This one is for legacy entries
# %3020% =PB3020, MonID_PB3020
monitor2Re = re.compile(r'%*.%.*=.*,.*MonID_')
# sync values that might be in the strings section
sync_keys = {}
for line in lines:
tmp = string.strip(line)
if tmp and tmp[0] == ';':
if sectRe.search (line, 1):
section = string.lower(sectSplit.split (line)[1])
if section == "manufacturer":
tmp = infoSplit.split (line)
if len(tmp) > 1:
manufacturer = string.lower(tmp[1])
if manufacturers.has_key (tmp[1]):
raise RuntimeError, "Duplicate manufacturer entries"
manufacturers[string.lower(string.strip(tmp[3].split(",")[0]))] = string.lower(string.strip(tmp[1]))
# if we're in a manufacturer section, we need to jot down
# the devices
elif manufacturers.has_key(section):
# Find monitor inf IDs and EISA ids:
monre = None
# EISA entries
# %D5259A%=D5259A, Monitor\HWP0487
if monitor1Re.search(line, 1):
monre = monitor1Re
# older non EISA entries
# %3020% =PB3020, MonID_PB3020
elif monitor2Re.search(line, 1):
monre = monitor2Re
if monre:
end = monre.search(line, 1).end()
id = string.strip(string.split(line, '%')[1])
if monre == monitor1Re:
# all EDID ID strings are 7 chars
edid = string.strip(line[end:])[0:7]
edid = "0"
# we need to get the install section for this device
rhs = string.strip(string.split (line, '=')[1])
install = string.lower(string.strip(string.split (rhs, ',')[0]))
if instsections.has_key (install):
instsections[install].append ((section, id))
instsections[install] = [ (section, id) ]
if not monitors.has_key (section):
monitors[section] = {}
monitors[section][id] = Monitor(section, id, edid)
elif section == "strings":
tmp = string.strip(tmp)
if not tmp:
tmp = string.split (line, '=')
if len (tmp) < 2:
key = string.lower(string.strip(tmp[0]))
tmp = string.split(string.strip(tmp[1]), '"')
if len (tmp) > 1:
value = tmp[1]
value = tmp[0]
strings[key] = string.strip(value)
# Deal with sync lines in the strings section
if sync_keys.has_key(key):
sync = string.split(value, ",")
for (man, mon) in sync_keys[key]:
monitors[man][mon].hsync = string.strip(sync[0])
monitors[man][mon].vsync = string.strip(sync[1])
# these are the sections that tell us which AddReg to use
# AddReg=PBCOM14L.AddReg, 1024, DPMS
elif instsections.has_key(section):
if string.find (line, "AddReg=") >= 0:
rhs = string.split (line, '=')[1]
# PBCOM14L.AddReg, 1024, DPMS
registry = string.lower(string.strip(string.split(rhs, ',')[0]))
# add this monitor to the list of monitors that will
# use this registry entry
if regsections.has_key(registry):
regsections[registry].append (section)
regsections[registry] = [ section ]
# these are the actual AddReg entries. Look up in our table
# to find which
elif regsections.has_key(section):
if string.find(line, 'HKR') >= 0:
ids = regsections[section]
# make a list of all the monitors pointing to
# this registry section via install sections
mons = []
for id in ids:
mons = mons + instsections[id]
if string.find(line, 'HKR,"MODES') >= 0:
modes = string.split(line, '"')
sync = string.split(modes[3], ',')
for (man, mon) in mons:
monitors[man][mon].hsync = string.strip(sync[0])
monitors[man][mon].vsync = string.strip(sync[1])
# Sync lines must be somewhere else, maybe in the strings section
keyval = None
keyval = string.split(line,",")[4]
except IndexError:
if keyval and string.find(keyval, "KeyValue") >= 0:
keyval = string.replace(string.strip(keyval), "%", "").lower()
sync_keys[keyval] = mons
for man in manufacturers.keys():
for monitor in monitors[man].values():
# OK, I know it's hacked up to look up these strings way down
# here, but .inf format is CRAP.
monitor.descr = strings[string.lower(monitor.id)]
except KeyError:
monitor.descr = monitor.id
monitor.man = strings[string.lower(manufacturers[man])]
monitor.man = manufacturers[man]
print monitor
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006, TUBITAK/UEKAE
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version. Please read the COPYING file.
import sys
import os
import subprocess
class OpenGL:
env_path = '/etc/env.d/03opengl'
def __init__(self):
self.fake = False
self.impheaders = False
self.current = self.getCurrent()
self.available = self.getAvailable()
# Low level operations
def opUnlink(self, name):
if self.fake:
print "unlink(%s)" % name
def opSymlink(self, src, dest):
if self.fake:
print "link(%s -> %s)" % (dest, src)
os.symlink(src, dest)
def opWrite(self, name, content):
if self.fake:
print "write(%s)" % name
file(name, "w").write(content)
def opUpdateEnv(self):
if self.fake:
print "update_environment()"
# Utilities
def setLibrary(self, spath, dpath, name):
for suffix in (".a", ".so", ".la"):
self.setLibraryFile(spath, dpath, name + suffix)
def setLibraryFile(self, spath, dpath, name):
sname = os.path.join(spath, name)
dname = os.path.join(dpath, name)
if os.path.islink(dname):
if not os.path.exists(sname):
if name.endswith(".la"):
data = file(sname).read()
# FIXME: fix paths
self.opWrite(dname, data)
self.opSymlink(sname, dname)
# Main methods
def getAvailable(self):
paths = ("/usr/lib/opengl",)
# FIXME: lib32 and lib64 should be checked too for 64 bit support
implems = []
for path in paths:
if os.path.exists(path):
for name in os.listdir(path):
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, name)) and name != "global":
return implems
def getCurrent(self):
current = None
dict = {}
for line in file(self.env_path):
if '=' in line:
key, value = line.rstrip('\n').split('=')
if value[0] == '"' or value[0] == "'":
value = value[1:-1]
dict[key] = value
current = dict.get("OPENGL_PROFILE", None)
if not current:
tmp = dict["LDPATH"]
i = tmp.find("opengl/") + 7
current = tmp[i:tmp.find("/", i)]
return current
def setCurrent(self, implem):
# Setup libraries
ipath = os.path.join("/usr/lib/opengl", implem)
libpath = os.path.join(ipath, "lib")
self.setLibrary(libpath, "/usr/lib", "libGL")
self.setLibrary(libpath, "/usr/lib", "libGLcore")
# Setup extensions
extpath = os.path.join(ipath, "extensions")
self.setLibrary(extpath, "/usr/lib/modules/extensions", "libglx")
for name in os.listdir(extpath):
if name.endswith(".so") or name.endswith(".a") or name.endswith(".la"):
self.setLibraryFile(extpath, "/usr/lib/modules/extensions", name)
# Setup includes
# FIXME: really setup includes here
# Setup environment
data = 'LDPATH="%s"\nOPENGL_PROFILE="%s"\n' % (ipath, implem)
self.opWrite(self.env_path, data)
# Fixup links and environment
def usage():
o = OpenGL()
print "Usage: update-opengl [OPTIONS] <GL-implementation>"
print "Options:"
print " --fake Dont do anything, just show the operations"
print "Available implementations:\n %s" % " ".join(o.available)
def main(args):
if len(args) == 0:
if "--get-implementation" in args:
o = OpenGL()
print o.current
o = OpenGL()
if "--impl-headers" in args:
o.impheaders = True
if "--fake" in args:
o.fake = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
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