Kaydet (Commit) cc0f1027 authored tarafından sulincix's avatar sulincix

usb boot fix

üst d78a7477
#!/busybox sh
msg "Loading filesystem drivers"
ls /lib/modules/*/fs/ | sed "s/^/modprobe /g" | sed "s/$/ &/g" > /fs
sh /fs &>/dev/null
if [ -x /xbin/udevd -a -x /xbin/udevadm ] && [ "$noudev" != "true" ]; then
msg "Triggering udev"
/xbin/udevd --daemon
......@@ -9,9 +12,6 @@ else
find /lib/modules/ | sed "s/.*\///g" | grep "\.ko" | sed "s/.ko.*/ &/g" | sed "s/^/modprobe /g"> /load_modules.sh
msg "Trying to load kernel modules"
sh /load_modules.sh &>/dev/null
msg "Waiting for kernel modules"
sleep 2
msg "Loading filesystem drivers"
ls /lib/modules/*/fs/ | sed "s/^/modprobe /g" | sed "s/$/ &/g" > /fs
sh /fs &>/dev/null
msg "Waiting for kernel modules"
sleep 2
......@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ live_boot(){
debug "Mounting live media"
mkdir /output
mkdir /source
mount -t auto $root /output
mount /output/${sfs} /source
mount -t auto $root /output || fallback_shell
mount /output/${sfs} /source || fallback_shell
[ -d /output/merge ] && cp -prfv /output/merge/* /rootfs/
[ -d /output/merge ] && cp -prf /output/merge/* /rootfs/ &>/dev/null
common_boot || fallback_shell
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