• Michael Stahl's avatar
    framework: fix race in ToolBarManager creation · 84f2ff67
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    ToolbarLayoutManager::createToolbar() may be called concurrently on
    different threads, and then it can happen that both threads want to
    create the same toolbar URL, see that it does not exist in line 457,
    then both release the SolarMutex and create a new ToolBarManager
    and the first inserts it and then the second overwrites it on line 514
    without disposing the first one.
    The non-disposed extra ToolBarManager is kept alive because it is
    registered as a listener on the Frame.  When the Frame::close() is
    called, the ToolbarLayoutManager is disposed, and that disposes all the
    ToolBarManagers it knows about, but not the extra one, which is
    then un-ref'd and then has a live VclPtr m_pToolBar, which asserts
    because the SolarMutex is not locked since commit
    (This commit is thanks to rr, which recorded the
    JunitTest_framework_complex execution and allowed debugging this.)
    Change-Id: I8f5333e8e36ac8ea347ef545e014ffc10501aebb
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