• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Replace fallthrough comments with new SAL_FALLTHROUGH macro · 14cd5182
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...which (in LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY) for Clang expands to [[clang::fallthrough]] in
    preparation of enabling -Wimplicit-fallthrough.  (This is only relevant for
    C++11, as neither C nor old C++ has a way to annotate intended fallthroughs.)
    Could use BOOST_FALLTHROUGH instead of introducing our own SAL_FALLTHROUGH, but
    that would require adding back in dependencies on boost_headers to many
    libraries where we carefully removed any remaining Boost dependencies only
    recently.  (At least make SAL_FALLTHROUGH strictly LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY, so its
    future evolution will not have any impact on the stable URE interface.)  C++17
    will have a proper [[fallthroug]], eventually removing the need for a macro
    Change-Id: I342a7610a107db7d7a344ea9cbddfd9714d7e9ca
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