Kaydet (Commit) 6ec77e28 authored tarafından jan Iversen's avatar jan Iversen

iOS, revert bed135e0

using USE_DOUBLE_MMAP worked well on the device, but caused
problems with the simulator, that depends on the GCC3_MAC* implementation.

Change-Id: Ifbc1d48b3642567029c5271054a545eaacaf18ed
üst 813296d4
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
/*See: http://people.redhat.com/drepper/selinux-mem.html*/
#if defined(LINUX) || defined(OPENBSD) || defined(FREEBSD) \
|| defined(NETBSD) || defined(DRAGONFLY) || defined (ANDROID) \
|| defined(HAIKU) || defined(IOS)
|| defined(HAIKU)
......@@ -512,13 +512,11 @@ bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::initializeBlock(
unsigned char * bridges::cpp_uno::shared::VtableFactory::addLocalFunctions(
Slot ** slots,
unsigned char * code,
sal_PtrDiff writetoexecdiff,
typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription const * type,
sal_Int32 functionOffset,
sal_Int32 functionCount,
sal_Int32 vtableOffset)
(*slots) -= functionCount;
Slot * s = *slots;
for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < type->nMembers; ++i)
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