Kaydet (Commit) 3d13d919 authored tarafından Michael Meeks's avatar Michael Meeks

vcl: hide / make internal misc. vcl display handling methods.

üst 0ac5eb5f
......@@ -274,26 +274,29 @@ public:
static String GetAppName();
static bool LoadBrandBitmap (const char* pName, BitmapEx &rBitmap);
// default name of the application for message dialogs and printing
static void SetDisplayName( const UniString& rDisplayName );
static UniString GetDisplayName();
static unsigned int GetScreenCount();
static Rectangle GetScreenPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen );
// IsMultiDisplay returns:
// true: different screens are separate and windows cannot be moved
// between them (e.g. Xserver with multiple screens)
// false: screens form up one large display area
// windows can be moved between single screens
// (e.g. Xserver with Xinerama, Windows)
static bool IsMultiDisplay();
static Rectangle GetScreenPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen );
static Rectangle GetWorkAreaPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen );
static rtl::OUString GetScreenName( unsigned int nScreen );
static unsigned int GetDefaultDisplayNumber();
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static bool IsMultiDisplay();
// if IsMultiDisplay() == false the return value will be
// nearest screen of the target rectangle
// in case of IsMultiDisplay() == true the return value
// will always be GetDefaultDisplayNumber()
static unsigned int GetBestScreen( const Rectangle& );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static unsigned int GetBestScreen( const Rectangle& );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static Rectangle GetWorkAreaPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static unsigned int GetDefaultDisplayNumber();
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static rtl::OUString GetScreenName( unsigned int nScreen );
static const LocaleDataWrapper& GetAppLocaleDataWrapper();
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