Kaydet (Commit) 0ac5eb5f authored tarafından Michael Meeks's avatar Michael Meeks

vcl: isolate new attempt to count monitors as screens to gtk3 fdo#43458

It turns out this new idea of mapping xinerama screens, and xrandr
monitors into a flat integer space is nice, but when we confuse
xrandr monitor 2 (idx 1) with X screen 1 (there is only one screen)
we bit the dust.

Many thanks to Cor Nouws for remote debugging assistance
üst ed68d602
......@@ -154,10 +154,12 @@ public:
GdkCursor *getCursor( PointerStyle ePointerStyle );
virtual int CaptureMouse( SalFrame* pFrame );
bool IsXinerama() { return !m_pSys->IsMultiDisplay(); }
int GetDefaultScreenNumber() { return m_pSys->GetDefaultDisplayNumber(); }
int GetScreenCount() { return m_pSys->GetDisplayScreenCount(); }
Size GetScreenSize( int screen );
virtual void initScreen( int nScreen ) const;
GdkFilterReturn filterGdkEvent( GdkXEvent* sys_event,
......@@ -4160,10 +4160,12 @@ gboolean GtkSalFrame::IMHandler::signalIMDeleteSurrounding( GtkIMContext*, gint
return sal_False;
Size GtkSalDisplay::GetScreenSize( int nScreen )
Rectangle aRect = m_pSys->GetDisplayScreenPosSizePixel( nScreen );
return Size( aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight() );
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