• Jacobo Aragunde Pérez's avatar
    oox: Preserve cell theme color. · a3efbb5d
    Jacobo Aragunde Pérez yazdı
    When some background color is set to a table cell, it is stored in the
    cell properties tag <tcPr> like this:
      <w:shd w:fill="ECD2B6" w:color="auto"
             w:themeFill="accent6" w:themeFillTint="66" w:val="clear"/>
    The theme-related attributes in w:shd were not being preserved. To
    fix this I added an InteropGrabBag to the cell properties object,
    which is filled with the attributes of w:shd to be checked on export.
    The exporter checks if the cell color is still the original color that
    was imported from the file, if it is not it means the user has
    manually changed it during the edition and the new color is written
    Finally, added a unit test for theme attributes on tables.
    Change-Id: Ica8091b5eb4075e51912a255650a1d9d64f5767a
CellProperties.idl 8.47 KB