• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Enable --help=html for flatpak · 72b936d7
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    To not increase the size of the main org.libreoffice.LibreOffice app further,
    the plan was to realize this as an org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.Help extension.
    Ideally, this would be a localized extension, so that, by default, only a
    relevant subset of the extension would be downloaded and installed.  (But see
    There are multiple technical problems, as discussed at <https://github.com/
    flathub/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/issues/35#issuecomment-447295308> "Add
    integrated LibreOffice Help offline":
    * LO can't pass a file URL with query part to xdg-open, so uses a temporary
      wrapper .html file that redirects to the target URL.  But for the flatpak case
      this wrapper can't be in /tmp (which isn't visible from outside the flatpak
      sandbox), but is instead stored in a new temp dir under $XDG_CACHE_HOME (which
      is always set for flatpaks and /is/ visible form the outside) that is
      removed on LO exit.
    * The file URL stored in the temp file must be rewritten from the internal path
      (/app/libreoffice/help/...) to the path as seen outside the flatpak sandbox.
      While the path for the org.libreoffice.LibreOffice /app is stored in
      /.flatpak-info, the external path for the org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.Help
      extension is different and not stored there.  So use a hack trying to
      construct that path from what information is available in /.flatpak-info.
    * But the help content consists of locale-specific and shared files, and those
      reference each other with relative links.  But a localized flatpak extension
      cannot contain shared files, it can only contain per-language sub-dirs.  And
      if the shared help files were kept out of the extension, as part of the app
      itself, the relative paths among these files inside the flatpak sandbox would
      differ from those outside of it, so would be broken when viewing the content
      in the external browser.  A solution would either (a) need to somehow rewrite
      the content of all the help files being served from LO to the external
      browser, or (b) replicate the shared help files in all the extension's per-
      language sub-dirs (and if some localization uses en-US content as a fallback
      for only part of its translated content, e.g., in the case of media files,
      would need to also replicate that en-US content), or (c) use a non-localized
      extension that always contains the content for all localizations.
    For now, I chose the third approach.  This makes the
    org.libreoffice.LibreOffice.Help extension relatively large (the current
    /app/libreoffice/help tree has a size of ca. 100MB), so that I decided to not
    have it downloaded and installed automatically ("no-autodownload": true in
    solenv/flatpak-manifest.in).  (I checked with Flatpak 1.0.6 that if the
    extension should be changed to a localized one with the same name in the future,
    updating from an older version would work.  If the old extension was not
    installed, just the relevant localizations of the new version will be downloaded
    and installed.  If the old extension was installed, the full set of
    localizations of the new version will be downloaded and installed.)
    (As also mentioned at <https://github.com/flathub/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice/
    issues/35#issuecomment-447295308>:  "A second, minor, nuisance is that, for
    security reasons, an `xdg-open file:///...html` call from a flatpak leads to an
    intermediate popup dialog letting the user chose which application to use to
    open the URI, while e.g. an `xdg-open http:///...html` is allowed to go directly
    to the user's preferred browser.  So accessing help content from LO flatpak
    would present that popup dialog first, forcing the user to select a browser to
    Change-Id: I35f5a23947dd551dc1b9bff1dd2abd6710073b5f
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/65451
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarStephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>
sfxhelp.hxx 2.55 KB