Kaydet (Commit) d9ef5a66 authored tarafından Gürer Özen's avatar Gürer Özen

çalışır hale getir, hack'ten kurtul, arada ap'lerin

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üst 3dc1db04
......@@ -26,6 +26,23 @@ SIOCSIWESSID = 0x8B1A # set essid
SIOCGIWESSID = 0x8B1B # get essid
class Point:
def __init__(self, id=None):
self.ssid = None
self.mode = None
self.mac = None
if id:
if " (" in id and id.endswith(")"):
self.ssid, rest = id.split(" (", 1)
self.mode, self.mac = rest.split(" ", 1)
self.mac = self.mac[:-1]
self.ssid = id
def id(self):
return "%s (%s, %s)" % (self.ssid, self.mode, self.mac)
class Wireless:
modes = ['Auto', 'Ad-Hoc', 'Managed', 'Master', 'Repeat', 'Second', 'Monitor']
......@@ -51,26 +68,18 @@ class Wireless:
self._call(SIOCGIWESSID, arg)
return buffer.tostring().strip('\x00')
def setSSID(self, essid):
if len(essid) > 16:
return "ESSID should be 16 char or less" # FIXME: How shall we define error messages ?
arg = struct.pack("iHH", id(essid) + 20, len(essid) + 1, 1)
def setSSID(self, ssid):
point = Point(ssid)
buffer = array.array('c', point.ssid)
addr, length = buffer.buffer_info()
arg = struct.pack("iHH", addr, length + 1, 1)
self._call(SIOCSIWESSID, arg)
if self.getEssid() is essid:
if self.getSSID() is point.ssid:
return True
return None
def scanSSID(self):
class Point:
def __init__(self):
self.ssid = None
self.mode = None
self.mac = None
def id(self):
return "%s (%s, %s)" % (self.ssid, self.mode, self.mac)
ifc = self.ifc
if not ifc.isUp():
# Some drivers cant do the scan while interface is down, doh :(
......@@ -171,7 +180,7 @@ class Dev:
ifc = self.ifc
wifi = Wireless(ifc)
if self.remote:
wifi.setEssid(ifc.name, self.remote)
if self.mode == "manual":
ifc.setAddress(self.address, self.mask)
......@@ -294,7 +303,7 @@ def setState(name=None, state=None):
notify("Net.Link.connectionChanged", "configured state " + name)
if not dev.dev:
if not dev.ifc:
fail("Device not found")
if state == "up":
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