Kaydet (Commit) 07bd74c1 authored tarafından Clement Lefebvre's avatar Clement Lefebvre

Add more traces in partitioning step (we're facing a hang issue, so we need more info/feedback)

üst 174edf83
......@@ -62,10 +62,14 @@ def build_partitions(_installer):
installer = _installer
installer.window.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH)) # "busy" cursor
print "Starting PartitionSetup()"
partition_setup = PartitionSetup()
print "Finished PartitionSetup()"
if partition_setup.disks:
installer._selected_disk = partition_setup.disks[0][0]
print "Loading HTML string"
installer.partitions_browser.load_string(partition_setup.get_html(installer._selected_disk), 'text/html', 'UTF-8', 'file:///')
print "Showing the partition screen"
......@@ -221,23 +225,32 @@ class PartitionSetup(gtk.TreeStore):
print 'Disks: ', self.disks
already_done_full_disk_format = False
for disk_path, disk_description in self.disks:
print " Analyzing path='%s' description='%s'" % (disk_path, disk_description)
disk_device = parted.getDevice(disk_path)
try: disk = parted.Disk(disk_device)
except Exception:
print " - Found the device..."
disk = parted.Disk(disk_device)
print " - Found the disk..."
except Exception, detail:
print " - Found an issue while looking for the disk: %s" % detail
from frontend.gtk_interface import QuestionDialog
dialog = QuestionDialog(_("Installation Tool"),
_("No partition table was found on the hard drive: %s. Do you want the installer to create a set of partitions for you? Note: This will ERASE ALL DATA present on this disk.") % disk_description,
None, installer.window)
if not dialog: continue # the user said No, skip this disk
print "Performing a full disk format"
if not already_done_full_disk_format:
assign_mount_format = self.full_disk_format(disk_device)
already_done_full_disk_format = True
self.full_disk_format(disk_device) # Format but don't assign mount points
print "Done full disk format"
disk = parted.Disk(disk_device)
print "Got disk!"
disk_iter = self.append(None, (disk_description, '', '', '', '', '', '', None, disk_path))
print " - Looking at partitions..."
partitions = map(Partition,
sorted(filter(lambda part: part.getLength('MB') > 5, # skip ranges <5MB
set(disk.getFreeSpacePartitions() +
......@@ -246,15 +259,18 @@ class PartitionSetup(gtk.TreeStore):
disk.getRaidPartitions() +
key=lambda part: part.geometry.start))
print " - Found partitions..."
try: # assign mount_as and format_as if disk was just auto-formatted
for partition, (mount_as, format_as) in zip(partitions, assign_mount_format):
partition.mount_as = mount_as
partition.format_as = format_as
del assign_mount_format
except NameError: pass
print " - Iterating partitions..."
# Needed to fix the 1% minimum Partition.size_percent
sum_size_percent = sum(p.size_percent for p in partitions) + .5 # .5 for good measure
for partition in partitions:
print " . Appending partition %s..." % partition.name
partition.size_percent = round(partition.size_percent / sum_size_percent * 100, 1)
self.append(disk_iter, (partition.name,
......@@ -266,6 +282,8 @@ class PartitionSetup(gtk.TreeStore):
print " - Loading HTML view..."
self.html_disks[disk_path] = DISK_TEMPLATE.format(PARTITIONS_HTML=''.join(PARTITION_TEMPLATE.format(p) for p in partitions))
def get_html(self, disk):
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