Kaydet (Commit) e9c37415 authored tarafından Ozan Çağlayan's avatar Ozan Çağlayan

upgrade: Use flatten_list() which is ~9x faster than sum() construct

üst 5ebbc177
......@@ -128,9 +128,7 @@ def upgrade(A=[], repo=None):
# Force upgrading of installed but replaced packages or else they will be removed (they are obsoleted also).
# This is not wanted for a replaced driver package (eg. nvidia-X).
# sum(array, []) is a nice trick to flatten an array of arrays
A |= set(sum(replaces.values(), []))
A |= set(pisi.util.flatten_list(replaces.values()))
A |= upgrade_base(A)
......@@ -148,7 +146,6 @@ def upgrade(A=[], repo=None):
ctx.ui.info(_('No packages to upgrade.'))
return True
ctx.ui.debug('A = %s' % str(A))
if not ctx.config.get_option('ignore_dependency'):
......@@ -172,7 +169,8 @@ def upgrade(A=[], repo=None):
needs_confirm = check_update_actions(order)
if set(order) - A_0 - set(sum(replaces.values(), [])):
# NOTE: replaces.values() was already flattened above, it can be reused
if set(order) - A_0 - set(pisi.util.flatten_list(replaces.values())):
ctx.ui.warning(_("There are extra packages due to dependencies."))
needs_confirm = True
......@@ -219,7 +217,7 @@ def plan_upgrade(A, force_replaced=True, replaces=None):
G_f = pgraph.PGraph(packagedb) # construct G_f
A = set(A)
# Force upgrading of installed but replaced packages or else they will be removed (they are obsoleted also).
# This is not wanted for a replaced driver package (eg. nvidia-X).
......@@ -228,7 +226,7 @@ def plan_upgrade(A, force_replaced=True, replaces=None):
if force_replaced:
if replaces is None:
replaces = packagedb.get_replaces()
A |= set(sum(replaces.values(), []))
A |= set(pisi.util.flatten_list(replaces.values()))
# find the "install closure" graph of G_f by package
# set A using packagedb
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