Kaydet (Commit) bcafc3b1 authored tarafından Faik Uygur's avatar Faik Uygur

revert and kill eager. this original code is much more tested.

Anyway, these were the dangerous zones. :)

You are safe now!
üst efe2c750
......@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ def plan_upgrade(A, ignore_build = False):
# add packages that can be upgraded
if dependency.repo_satisfies_dep(dep):
if ctx.installdb.is_installed(dep.package):
if not is_upgradable(dep.package):
if dependency.installed_satisfies_dep(dep):
if not dep.package in G_f.vertices():
......@@ -539,8 +539,11 @@ def plan_upgrade(A, ignore_build = False):
pkg = packagedb.get_package(x)
rev_deps = packagedb.get_rev_deps(x)
for (rev_dep, depinfo) in rev_deps:
# add all upgradable reverse deps
if is_upgradable(rev_dep):
# add only installed but unsatisfied reverse dependencies
if ctx.installdb.is_installed(rev_dep) and \
(not dependency.installed_satisfies_dep(depinfo)):
if not dependency.repo_satisfies_dep(depinfo):
raise Error(_('Reverse dependency %s of %s cannot be satisfied') % (rev_dep, x))
if not rev_dep in G_f.vertices():
G_f.add_plain_dep(rev_dep, x)
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