Kaydet (Commit) b674e227 authored tarafından Faik Uygur's avatar Faik Uygur

* first commit... will be improved further...

-rw-r--r-- 1 faik users 1764510 Oca 29 16:35 cups-1.2.7-22-11.pisi
-rw-r--r-- 1 faik users 1768627 Oca 29 16:35 cups-1.2.7-23-12.pisi
-rw-r--r-- 1 faik users   93100 Oca 29 16:42 cups-22-23.delta.pisi

seems to work for cups.

But not for kernel. Every compile changes every module hash.
üst b91865ba
......@@ -493,6 +493,55 @@ to be downloaded from a repository containing sources.
class Delta(Command):
"""Creates delta PiSi packages
Usage: delta oldpackage newpackage
Delta command finds the changed files between the given packages by comparing the sha1sum of the files
and creates a delta pisi package with the changed files between two releases.
__metaclass__ = autocommand
def __init__(self, args):
super(Delta, self).__init__(args)
name = ("delta", "dt")
def options(self):
group = OptionGroup(self.parser, _("delta options"))
def add_options(self, group):
group.add_option("-O", "--output-dir", action="store", default=None,
help=_("Output directory for produced packages"))
def run(self):
from pisi.delta import create_delta_package
self.init(database=False, write=False)
if len(self.args) is not 2:
if ctx.get_option('output_dir'):
ctx.ui.info(_('Output directory: %s') % ctx.config.options.output_dir)
ctx.ui.info(_('Outputting packages in the working directory.'))
ctx.config.options.output_dir = '.'
oldpackage = self.args[0]
newpackage = self.args[1]
create_delta_package(oldpackage, newpackage)
class Emerge(Build):
"""Build and install PiSi source packages from repository
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2007, TUBITAK/UEKAE
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Please read the COPYING file.
import os
from sets import Set as set
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('pisi', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.ugettext
import pisi.context as ctx
from pisi.package import Package
import pisi.util as util
import pisi.archive as archive
def create_delta_package(old_package, new_package):
oldpkg = Package(old_package, "r")
newpkg = Package(new_package, "r")
newmd = newpkg.get_metadata()
oldmd = oldpkg.get_metadata()
oldfiles = oldpkg.get_files()
newfiles = newpkg.get_files()
files_all = set(map(lambda x:(x.path, x.hash), newfiles.list))
files_old = set(map(lambda x:(x.path, x.hash), oldfiles.list))
files_delta = files_all - files_old
if not files_delta:
ctx.ui.info(_("Nothing has changed between builds, not creating a delta"))
ctx.ui.info(_("Creating delta PiSi package between %s %s") % (old_package, new_package))
# Unpack new package to temp
newpkg_name = util.package_name(newmd.package.name, newmd.package.version, newmd.package.release, newmd.package.build, False)
newpkg_path = util.join_path(ctx.config.tmp_dir(), newpkg_name)
newpkg.extract_to(newpkg_path, True)
tar = archive.ArchiveTar(util.join_path(newpkg_path, ctx.const.install_tar_lzma), 'tarlzma', False, False)
# Create delta package
deltaname = "%s-%s-%s%s" % (oldmd.package.name, oldmd.package.release, newmd.package.release, ".delta.pisi")
outdir = ctx.get_option('output_dir')
if outdir:
deltaname = util.join_path(outdir, deltaname)
print deltaname
deltapkg = Package(deltaname, "w")
c = os.getcwd()
# add comar files to package
for pcomar in newmd.package.providesComar:
fname = util.join_path(ctx.const.comar_dir, pcomar.script)
# add xmls and files
ctx.build_leftover = util.join_path(ctx.config.tmp_dir(), ctx.const.install_tar_lzma)
tar = archive.ArchiveTar(util.join_path(ctx.config.tmp_dir(), ctx.const.install_tar_lzma), "tarlzma")
for path, hash in files_delta:
os.unlink(util.join_path(ctx.config.tmp_dir(), ctx.const.install_tar_lzma))
ctx.build_leftover = None
......@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ class Package:
this is the function used by the installer"""
self.impl.unpack_dir_flat(dir, outdir)
def extract_to(self, outdir, clean_dir = False):
"""Extracts contents of the archive to outdir. Before extracting if clean_dir
is set, outdir is deleted with its contents"""
self.impl.unpack(outdir, clean_dir)
def extract_pisi_files(self, outdir):
"""Extract PiSi control files: metadata.xml, files.xml,
action scripts, etc."""
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