Kaydet (Commit) b0ce7f29 authored tarafından Fatih Aşıcı's avatar Fatih Aşıcı

build: Guess WorkDir from archive name

If defined, use WorkDir in actions.py. If it is not defined or the
directory does not exist, first try "srcname-version" then the
basename of archive URL after splitting extensions.
üst aab6c1cb
......@@ -577,13 +577,23 @@ class Builder:
def pkg_src_dir(self):
"""Returns the real path of WorkDir for an unpacked archive."""
workdir = self.actionGlobals['WorkDir']
except KeyError:
workdir = self.spec.source.name + "-" + \
return util.join_path(self.pkg_work_dir(), workdir)
dirname = self.spec.source.name + "-" + self.spec.getSourceVersion()
dirname = self.actionGlobals.get("WorkDir", dirname)
src_dir = util.join_path(self.pkg_work_dir(), dirname)
if not os.path.exists(src_dir):
basename = os.path.basename(self.spec.source.archive[0].uri)
dirname = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
src_dir = util.join_path(self.pkg_work_dir(), dirname)
while not os.path.exists(src_dir):
src_dir, ext = os.path.splitext(src_dir)
if not ext:
return src_dir
def log_sandbox_violation(self, operation, path, canonical_path):
ctx.ui.error(_("Sandbox violation: %s (%s -> %s)") % (operation,
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