Kaydet (Commit) acd4951b authored tarafından Faik Uygur's avatar Faik Uygur

* created pisi.conf should have the values uncommented, these are the real values anyway.

* package_cache default is set to False for package-manager for a new Pardus installation.
  This was the default behaviour for pm. But if a pisi.conf file exists (for an already installed 
  system), setup.py does not overwrite it. So no package_cache_X values will be in pisi.conf. (Question:
  Why do we create pisi.conf in setup.py, why not an additional file) In this case package-manager's 
  default is, use package cache to keep user's cached packages.

- TODO: pisi should use these values in cli also, cause this is pisi.conf! or maybe this was not 
  the right place for this from the start or was it? :/
üst 56498f9f
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class GeneralDefaults:
http_proxy = os.getenv("HTTP_PROXY") or None
https_proxy = os.getenv("HTTPS_PROXY") or None
ftp_proxy = os.getenv("FTP_PROXY") or None
package_cache = True
package_cache = False
package_cache_limit = 0
class BuildDefaults:
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Install(install):
and not m[0].endswith('__')]
for member in section_members:
pisiconf.write("# %s = %s\n" % (member[0], member[1]))
pisiconf.write("%s = %s\n" % (member[0], member[1]))
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