Kaydet (Commit) 9eefc6aa authored tarafından Eray Özkural's avatar Eray Özkural

* add a check method to autoxml classes

üst 8f91cadc
......@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ class Checks:
# string/list/functional#
def every(seq, pred):
def every(pred, seq):
return reduce(operator.and_, map(pred, seq))
def any(seq, pred):
def any(pred, seq):
return reduce(operator.or_, map(pred, seq))
def unzip(seq):
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ _ = __trans.ugettext
import pisi
from pisi.xmlext import *
import pisi.context as ctx
import pisi.util as util
class Error(pisi.Error):
......@@ -98,6 +99,13 @@ class LocalText(object):
def check(self):
errs = []
langs = [ locale.getlocale()[0][0:2], 'tr', 'en' ]
if not util.any(lambda x : self.locs.has_key(x), langs):
errs.append(_("Tag should have at least an English or Turkish version"))
return errs
def format(self, f, errs):
L = locale.getlocale()[0][0:2] # try to read language, pathetic isn't it?
if self.locs.has_key(L):
......@@ -205,6 +213,7 @@ class autoxml(type):
inits = []
decoders = []
encoders = []
checkers = []
formatters = []
order = dict.keys()
......@@ -215,10 +224,11 @@ class autoxml(type):
x = autoxml.gen_attr_member(cls, name)
elif var.startswith('t_'):
x = autoxml.gen_tag_member(cls, name)
(init, decoder, encoder, formatter) = x
(init, decoder, encoder, checker, formatter) = x
# generate top-level helper functions
......@@ -241,6 +251,14 @@ class autoxml(type):
encode_member(self, xml, node, errs)
cls.encode = encode
cls.checkers = checkers
def check(self):
errs = []
for checker in self.__class__.checkers:
return errs
cls.check = check
cls.formatters = formatters
def format(self, f, errs):
for formatter in self.__class__.formatters:
......@@ -308,7 +326,7 @@ class autoxml(type):
name = cls.mixed_case(token)
token_type = spec[0]
req = spec[1]
(init_a, decode_a, encode_a, format_a) = anonfuns
(init_a, decode_a, encode_a, check_a, format_a) = anonfuns
def init(self):
"""initialize component"""
......@@ -326,15 +344,25 @@ class autoxml(type):
value = None
encode_a(xml, node, value, errs)
def check(self):
errs = []
if hasattr(self, name):
value = getattr(self,name)
if req == mandatory:
errs.append(_('Mandatory variable %s not available') % name)
return errs
def format(self, f, errs):
if hasattr(self, name):
value = getattr(self,name)
f.add_literal_data('%s: %s\n' % (token, format_a(value, f, errs)))
if req == mandatory:
raise Error(_('Mandatory variable %s not available') % name)
errs.append(_('Mandatory variable %s not available') % name)
return (init, decode, encode, format)
return (init, decode, encode, check, format)
def mixed_case(cls, identifier):
"""helper function to turn token name into mixed case"""
......@@ -402,11 +430,17 @@ class autoxml(type):
if req == mandatory:
errs.append(_('Mandatory argument not available'))
def check(value):
errs = []
if not isinstance(value, token_type):
errs.append(_('Type mismatch'))
return errs
def format(value, f, errs):
"""format value for pretty printing"""
return initialize, decode, encode, format
return initialize, decode, encode, check, format
def gen_class_tag(cls, tag, spec):
"""generate a class datatype"""
......@@ -448,14 +482,17 @@ class autoxml(type):
if req == mandatory:
errs.append(_('Mandatory argument not available'))
def check(obj):
return obj.check()
def format(obj, f, errs):
obj.format(f, errs)
except Error:
if req == mandatory:
errs.append(_('Mandatory argument not available'))
return (init, decode, encode, format)
return (init, decode, encode, check, format)
def gen_list_tag(cls, tag, spec):
"""generate a list datatype. stores comps in tag/comp_tag"""
......@@ -466,7 +503,7 @@ class autoxml(type):
raise Error(_('List type must contain only one element'))
x = cls.gen_tag(comp_tag, [tag_type[0], mandatory])
(init_item, decode_item, encode_item, format_item) = x
(init_item, decode_item, encode_item, check_item, format_item) = x
def init():
return []
......@@ -493,6 +530,12 @@ class autoxml(type):
if req is mandatory:
errs.append(_('Mandatory list empty'))
def check(l):
errs = []
for ix in range(len(l)):
return errs
def format(l, f, errs):
# indent here
for ix in range(len(l)):
......@@ -501,7 +544,7 @@ class autoxml(type):
if ix != len(l)-1:
f.add_flowing_data(', ')
return (init, decode, encode, format)
return (init, decode, encode, check, format)
def gen_insetclass_tag(cls, tag, spec):
"""generate a class datatype that is highly integrated
......@@ -544,7 +587,10 @@ class autoxml(type):
if req == mandatory:
errs.append(_('Mandatory argument not available'))
def check(obj):
return obj.check()
def format(obj, f, errs):
obj.format(f, errs)
......@@ -552,7 +598,7 @@ class autoxml(type):
if req == mandatory:
errs.append(_('Mandatory argument not available'))
return (init, decode, encode, format)
return (init, decode, encode, check, format)
basic_cons_map = {
types.StringType : str,
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