Kaydet (Commit) 7581f0c3 authored tarafından Ali Rıza KESKİN's avatar Ali Rıza KESKİN

sulinstrapt fixes

üst 727c74f7
......@@ -84,18 +84,10 @@ def calculate_free_space_needed(order):
for pkg in [packagedb.get_package(name) for name in order]:
if installdb.has_package(pkg.name):
(version, release, build, distro, distro_release) = installdb.get_version_and_distro_release(pkg.name)
# inary distro upgrade should not use delta support
if distro == pkg.distribution and distro_release == pkg.distributionRelease:
delta = pkg.get_delta(release)
ignore_delta = ctx.config.values.general.ignore_delta
installed_release_size = installdb.get_package(pkg.name).installedSize
if delta and not ignore_delta:
pkg_size = delta.installedSize
pkg_size = pkg.installedSize - installed_release_size
pkg_size = pkg.installedSize - installed_release_size
total_needed += pkg_size
......@@ -126,23 +118,12 @@ def calculate_download_sizes(order):
for pkg in [packagedb.get_package(name) for name in order]:
delta = None
if installdb.has_package(pkg.name):
(version, release, build, distro, distro_release) = installdb.get_version_and_distro_release(pkg.name)
# inary distro upgrade should not use delta support
if distro == pkg.distribution and distro_release == pkg.distributionRelease:
delta = pkg.get_delta(release)
ignore_delta = ctx.config.values.general.ignore_delta
if delta and not ignore_delta:
fn = os.path.basename(delta.packageURI)
pkg_hash = delta.packageHash
pkg_size = delta.packageSize
fn = os.path.basename(pkg.packageURI)
pkg_hash = pkg.packageHash
pkg_size = pkg.packageSize
fn = os.path.basename(pkg.packageURI)
pkg_hash = pkg.packageHash
pkg_size = pkg.packageSize
if cached_packages_dir:
path = util.join_path(cached_packages_dir, fn)
......@@ -22,10 +22,12 @@ then
exit 1
inary ar sulin https://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sulinos/SulinRepository/inary-index.xml -D$sulin
inary ur -D$sulin
inary it baselayout --ignore-dep --ignore-safety --ignore-configure -y -D$sulin
inary it -c system.base -y --ignore-configure -D$sulin
for i in /dev /sys /proc
mkdir -p $sulin/$i &>/dev/null
mount --bind $i $sulin/$i
chroot $sulin inary cp
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