Kaydet (Commit) 5a79c31d authored tarafından Eray Özkural's avatar Eray Özkural

* conditional deps, conflicts & comar dependencies

* begin remove and upgrade operations
üst 0e762dbd
......@@ -173,6 +173,29 @@ installing packages in the reverse order of a topological sort
guarantees that no package is installed before all of its dependencies
are installed. Thus, this yields a consistency-preserving plan.
\subsection{Conditional dependencies}
In the PISI specification, we allow a dependency to specify a local
condition, for instance a program may require a dependency on
\texttt{libx} with pardus source release $3$ or greater. Another
program may require a dependency on a particular source release. These
conditions are local because they can be computed over the elements of
system state $S_i$, e.g. package (name, version) pairs. Let us denote this
condition by a predicate $P(b)$ such that $aDb iff P(b)$. The
predicate $P$ for the dependency $aDb$ can be stored as edge data for
$(u,v)$ on the graph.
% thus when we say $P(u,v)$, this means the predicate stored on
%$(u,v)$ edge for vertex $v$.
In this case, the vertices of the package dependency graph $G$ and the
planning graph $G_A$ retain the version information along with the
package name. The dependency relation thus holds between two pairs
$(p_1,v_1)$ and $(p_2,v_2)$, satisfying a given predicate
$P(p_2,v_2)$. When constructing the graph, we therefore take this
predicate into account and admit a new edge $(u,v)$, and thus a new
vertex $v$ into $G_A$ if and only if the target vertex satisfies
\subsection{Conflicts and COMAR dependencies}
The tags \texttt{Conflicts} and \texttt{Provides} are inherited from
......@@ -196,7 +219,32 @@ the number of alternatives for comar OM $A$; the problem is that there
seems to be no simple solution to solve satisfiability with arbitrary
disjunctions in package dependency, short of a $SAT$ solver).
The resolution of conflicts
The resolution of conflicts to maintain system consistency condition
$2$ is easier to achieve. This can be always satisfied by disallowing
installation of a package that would violate the condition. In the
install operation, after constructing the partial dependency graph
$G_A$, we merely have to check whether any conflict appears within the
vertices of $G_A$. If so, then the operation is untenable, since $G_A$
shows the future state of the installed system. Since a conflict is
symmetric, it is represented as a bidirectional edge $a \leftrightarrow b$. To
distinguish dependencies from conflicts, the edges would have to be
labelled in this case, for instance with 'd' and 'c'.
\section{Remove and upgrade operations}
Dependency resolution for remove operation is similar to install. The
only difference is that we follow the topological sort order, instead
of its reverse when processing packages.
The upgrade operation is more complicated. First of all, the system
has to distinguish between the current relation graph
(e.g. dependencies and conflicts), and the future relation graph which
may be different in rather important aspects. In theory, we allow any
dependency and conflict to change.
Therefore, we have a $G_0$ which represents the current relations
(among installed packages) in the system, and a $G_f$ which is
probably taken from a remote package repository.
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