Kaydet (Commit) 5586b025 authored tarafından Faik Uygur's avatar Faik Uygur

* use unused component.dependencies member to build a component tree

üst ec2be6d3
......@@ -73,27 +73,9 @@ class Component(xmlfile.XmlFile):
t_Sources = [ [autoxml.String], autoxml.optional, "Parts/Source"]
# TODO: this is probably not necessary since we use fully qualified
# module names (like in Java)
#t_PartOf = [autoxml.Text, autoxml.mandatory]
#FIXME: recursive declarations do not work!
#class ComponentTree(xmlfile.XmlFile):
# "index representation for the component structure"
# __metaclass__ = autoxml.autoxml
# tag = "Component"
# t_Name = [autoxml.Text, autoxml.mandatory] # fully qualified name
# #t_Icon = [autoxml.Binary, autoxml.mandatory]
# t_Dependencies = [ [autoxml.Text], autoxml.optional, "Component"]
# #t_Parts = [ [pisi.component.ComponentTree], autoxml.optional, "Component"]
class ComponentDB(object):
"""a database of components"""
#FIXME: we might need a database per repo in the future
def __init__(self):
self.d = ItemByRepoDB('component')
......@@ -104,7 +86,6 @@ class ComponentDB(object):
def has_component(self, name, repo = pisi.itembyrepodb.repos, txn = None):
#name = shelve.LockedDBShelf.encodekey(name)
name = str(name)
return self.d.has_key(name, repo, txn)
......@@ -115,7 +96,6 @@ class ComponentDB(object):
raise Error(_('Component %s not found') % name)
def get_component_repo(self, name, repo=None, txn = None):
#name = shelve.LockedDBShelf.encodekey(name)
return self.d.get_item_repo(name, repo, txn=txn)
except pisi.itembyrepodb.NotfoundError, e:
......@@ -141,12 +121,41 @@ class ComponentDB(object):
def list_components(self, repo=None):
return self.d.list(repo)
def get_packages(self, component_name, repo=None, txn = None):
"""returns the given component's and underlying recursive components' packages"""
packages = []
component = self.get_component(component_name, repo, txn)
for dep in component.dependencies:
return packages
def add_child(self, component, repo, txn = None):
"""update component tree"""
parent_name = ".".join(component.name.split(".")[:-1])
if not parent_name: # root component
if self.has_component(parent_name, repo, txn):
parent = self.get_component(parent_name, repo, txn)
parent = Component(name = parent_name)
if component.name not in parent.dependencies:
self.d.add_item(parent_name, parent, repo, txn)
def update_component(self, component, repo, txn = None):
def proc(txn):
if self.has_component(component.name, repo, txn):
# preserve the list of packages
component.packages = self.d.get_item(component.name, repo, txn).packages
# preserve list of packages and dependencies
current = self.d.get_item(component.name, repo, txn)
component.packages = current.packages
component.dependencies = current.dependencies
self.d.add_item(component.name, component, repo, txn)
self.add_child(component, repo, txn)
self.d.txn_proc(proc, txn)
def add_package(self, component_name, package, repo, txn = None):
......@@ -159,6 +168,7 @@ class ComponentDB(object):
if not package in component.packages:
self.d.add_item(component_name, component, repo, txn) # update
self.add_child(component, repo, txn)
self.d.txn_proc(proc, txn)
def remove_package(self, component_name, package, repo = None, txn = None):
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