Unverified Kaydet (Commit) 178cab63 authored tarafından Suleyman Poyraz's avatar Suleyman Poyraz

api inary içerisinden bağımsız çalışıyor.

üst ef59815e
......@@ -71,89 +71,6 @@ import inary.util
# Fetcher
from . import fetcher
# Gettext Library
import gettext
__trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
# DataFile Libraries
# DataBase Libraries
# Operation Libraries
def set_userinterface(ui):
Set the user interface where the status information will be send
@param ui: User interface
ctx.ui = ui
def set_io_streams(stdout=None, stderr=None):
Set standart i/o streams
Used by Buildfarm
@param stdout: Standart output
@param stderr: Standart input
if stdout:
ctx.stdout = stdout
if stderr:
ctx.stderr = stderr
def set_dbus_sockname(sockname):
Set dbus socket file
Used by YALI
@param sockname: Path to dbus socket file
ctx.dbus_sockname = sockname
def set_dbus_timeout(timeout):
Set dbus timeout
Used by YALI
@param timeout: Timeout in seconds
ctx.dbus_timeout = timeout
def set_signal_handling(enable):
Enable signal handling. Signal handling in inary mostly used for disabling keyboard interrupts
in critical paths.
Used by YALI
@param enable: Flag indicating signal handling usage
if enable:
ctx.sig = inary.signalhandler.SignalHandler()
ctx.sig = None
def set_options(options):
Set various options of inary
@param options: option set
>>> options = inary.config.Options()
options.destdir # inary destination directory where operations will take effect
options.username # username that for reaching remote repository
options.password # password that for reaching remote repository
options.debug # flag controlling debug output
options.verbose # flag controlling verbosity of the output messages
options.output_dir # build and delta operations package output directory
# The following are INARY operations which constitute the INARY API
# Within functions
from inary.analyzer.conflict import calculate_conflicts
......@@ -172,4 +89,3 @@ from inary.operations.remove import remove, get_remove_order
from inary.operations.repository import *
from inary.operations.upgrade import upgrade, get_upgrade_order, get_base_upgrade_order
from inary.operations.search import *
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Main fork Pisi: Copyright (C) 2005 - 2011, Tubitak/UEKAE
# Copyright (C) 2016 - 2020, Suleyman POYRAZ (Zaryob)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# Please read the COPYING file.
import inary.context as ctx
import inary.signalhandler
def set_userinterface(ui):
Set the user interface where the status information will be send
@param ui: User interface
ctx.ui = ui
def set_io_streams(stdout=None, stderr=None):
Set standart i/o streams
Used by Buildfarm
@param stdout: Standart output
@param stderr: Standart input
if stdout:
ctx.stdout = stdout
if stderr:
ctx.stderr = stderr
def set_dbus_sockname(sockname):
Set dbus socket file
Used by YALI
@param sockname: Path to dbus socket file
ctx.dbus_sockname = sockname
def set_dbus_timeout(timeout):
Set dbus timeout
Used by YALI
@param timeout: Timeout in seconds
ctx.dbus_timeout = timeout
def set_signal_handling(enable):
Enable signal handling. Signal handling in inary mostly used for disabling keyboard interrupts
in critical paths.
Used by YALI
@param enable: Flag indicating signal handling usage
if enable:
ctx.sig = inary.signalhandler.SignalHandler()
ctx.sig = None
def set_options(options):
Set various options of inary
@param options: option set
>>> options = inary.config.Options()
options.destdir # inary destination directory where operations will take effect
options.username # username that for reaching remote repository
options.password # password that for reaching remote repository
options.debug # flag controlling debug output
options.verbose # flag controlling verbosity of the output messages
options.output_dir # build and delta operations package output directory
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