Kaydet (Commit) 1664fbc2 authored tarafından Fatih Aşıcı's avatar Fatih Aşıcı

scripts/make-changelog: Replace [at]'s with @ char and use tab char for indentation

üst 43f01c49
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ def get_author_name_mail(author):
account, name, mail, jabber = line.split(":")
mail = mail.replace(" [at] ", "@")
authors[account] = "%s <%s>" % (name, mail)
return authors[author]
......@@ -59,11 +60,10 @@ def create_log_entry(author, date, msg):
author = get_author_name_mail(author)
date = date.split("T", 1)[0]
indentation = " " * 8
lines = msg.splitlines()
lines = cleanup_msg_lines(lines)
lines[0] = "%s* %s" % (indentation, lines[0])
msg = ("\n%s" % indentation).join(lines)
lines[0] = "\t* %s" % lines[0]
msg = "\n\t".join(lines)
msg = strip_empty_lines(msg)
entry = "%s %s\n%s" % (date, author, msg)
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