Kaydet (Commit) 03230f3d authored tarafından Suleyman Poyraz's avatar Suleyman Poyraz

Merge branch 'patch-41842' into 'develop'

'TestNeeded' Patch 41842

See merge request sulinos/devel/inary!21
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ def ENV(environ):
return None
# PİSİ Related Functions
# INARY Related Functions
def pkgDIR():
"""returns the path of binary packages"""
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ __trans = gettext.translation('inary', fallback=True)
_ = __trans.gettext
class ConfigureError(inary.actionsapi.Error):
def __init__(self, value=''):
inary.actionsapi.Error.__init__(self, value)
......@@ -177,7 +176,9 @@ def build(debugSymbols=False):
" ".join(extra_config)))
def install():
def install(distro=""):
if not distro:
suffix = __getSuffix()
# Dump kernel version under /etc/kernel
......@@ -187,7 +188,13 @@ def install():
"linux-{}-{}".format(suffix, distro))
# Install defconfig
"config-{}-{}".format(suffix, distro))
# Install the modules
# mod-fw= avoids firmwares from installing
......@@ -197,21 +204,24 @@ def install():
"DEPMOD=/bin/true modules_install mod-fw=")
# Remove symlinks first
inarytools.remove("/lib/modules/{}-{}/source".format(suffix, distro))
inarytools.remove("/lib/modules/{}-{}/build".format(suffix, distro))
# Install Module.symvers and System.map here too
"{0}/lib/modules/{1}-sulinos/".format(get.installDIR(), suffix))
"{0}/lib/modules/{1}-{2}/".format(get.installDIR(), suffix, distro))
"System.map", "{0}/lib/modules/{1}-sulinos/".format(get.installDIR(), suffix))
"System.map", "{0}/lib/modules/{1}-{2}/".format(get.installDIR(), suffix, distro))
# Create extra/ and updates/ subdirectories
for _dir in ("extra", "updates"):
inarytools.dodir("/lib/modules/{0}-sulinos/{1}".format(suffix, _dir))
inarytools.dodir("/lib/modules/{0}-{1}/{2}".format(suffix, distro, _dir))
def installHeaders(extraHeaders=None):
def installModuleHeaders(extraHeaders=None, distro=""):
if not distro:
""" Install the files needed to build out-of-tree kernel modules. """
extras = ["drivers/md/",
......@@ -228,8 +238,7 @@ def installHeaders(extraHeaders=None):
wanted = ["Makefile*", "Kconfig*", "Kbuild*", "*.sh", "*.pl", "*.lds"]
suffix = __getSuffix()
headersDirectoryName = "usr/src/{}-headers-{}-sulinos".format(
get.srcNAME(), suffix)
headersDirectoryName = "usr/src/linux-headers-{0}-{1}".format(suffix, distro)
# Get the destination directory for header installation
destination = os.path.join(get.installDIR(), headersDirectoryName)
......@@ -277,9 +286,17 @@ def installHeaders(extraHeaders=None):
# Settle the correct build symlink to this headers
inarytools.dosym("build", "/lib/modules/{}-sulinos/source".format(suffix))
"/lib/modules/{}-{}/build".format(suffix, distro))
inarytools.dosym("build", "/lib/modules/{}-{}/source".format(suffix, distro))
def prepareLibcHeaders():
# make defconfig and install the
headers_tmp = os.path.join(get.installDIR(), 'tmp-headers')
make_cmd = "O={0} INSTALL_HDR_PATH={0}/install".format(headers_tmp)
autotools.make("{} allnoconfig".format(make_cmd))
def installLibcHeaders(excludes=None):
headers_tmp = os.path.join(get.installDIR(), 'tmp-headers')
......@@ -296,28 +313,15 @@ def installLibcHeaders(excludes=None):
# Workaround begins here ...
# Workaround information -- http://patches.openembedded.org/patch/33433/
cpy_src = "{}/linux-*/arch/x86/include/generated".format(get.workDIR())
cpy_tgt = "{}/arch/x86/include".format(headers_tmp)
copy_cmd = "cp -Rv {0} {1} ".format(cpy_src, cpy_tgt)
# Workaround ends here ...
# make defconfig and install the headers
autotools.make("{} defconfig".format(make_cmd))
autotools.rawInstall(make_cmd, "headers_install")
# Workaround ends here ...
oldwd = os.getcwd()
shelltools.system("find {} -name ..install.cmd -or -name .install | xargs rm -vf".format(headers_tmp))
shelltools.cd(os.path.join(headers_tmp, "install", "include"))
shelltools.system("find . -name '.' -o -name '.*' -prune -o -print | \
cpio -pVd --preserve-modification-time {}".format(headers_dir))
# Remove sound/ directory which is installed by alsa-headers
shelltools.system("rm -rf {}/sound".format(headers_dir))
# Remove possible excludes given by actions.py
if excludes:
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