Kaydet (Commit) 24e265b3 authored tarafından mertcelen's avatar mertcelen

Server buttons redesigned, setup command added to readme.

üst 73fa51f4
......@@ -65,9 +65,10 @@ sudo apt install sshpass telnet nmap python3 python3-paramiko python3-tornado -y
sudo mv /liman/server/.env.example /liman/server/.env
sudo ln -sf /liman/server/.env /liman/liman.conf
#### Liman Sessionlari icin Key Olusturma
#### Liman Sessionlari icin Key Olusturma ve Administrator Hesabı Ekleme
sudo php /liman/server/artisan key:generate
sudo php /liman/server/artisan setup
#### Liman Kullanicisi Olusturma
......@@ -6,45 +6,45 @@
"title" => $server->name
<h5>Hostname : {{$hostname}}</h5>
<button class="btn btn-outline-success" onclick="location.href = '/sunucular/';">{{__("Geri Dön")}}</button>
<button class="btn btn-success" onclick="location.href = '/sunucular/';">{{__("Geri Dön")}}</button>
"class" => "btn-outline-primary",
"class" => "btn-primary",
"target_id" => "edit",
"text" => "Düzenle"
"class" => "btn-outline-secondary",
"class" => "btn-secondary",
"target_id" => "install_extension",
"text" => "Servis Ekle"
"class" => "btn-outline-info",
"class" => "btn-info",
"target_id" => "change_network",
"text" => "Network"
"class" => "btn-outline-primary",
"class" => "btn-primary",
"target_id" => "change_hostname",
"text" => "Hostname"
"class" => "btn-outline-warning",
"class" => "btn-warning",
"target_id" => "file_upload",
"text" => "Dosya Yükle"
"class" => "btn-outline-primary",
"class" => "btn-primary",
"target_id" => "file_download",
"text" => "Dosya İndir"
"class" => "btn-outline-success",
"class" => "btn-success",
"target_id" => "terminal",
"text" => "Terminal"
"class" => "btn-outline-info",
"class" => "btn-info",
"target_id" => "give_permission",
"text" => "Yetki Ver"
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"class" => "btn-outline-danger",
"class" => "btn-danger",
"target_id" => "delete",
"text" => "Sunucuyu Sil"
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