• Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    fdo#82580: Win32 GetObject() simplification · a8669b56
    Tor Lillqvist yazdı
    We call the Win32 GetObject() in just one source file and there it is
    the A version we mean. (As such, as we call it to get BITMAP objects,
    which do not have different A and W variants, we could as well call
    Note that we have several own member functions called GetObject(), so
    until those are renamed we still need to #undef the GetObject
    definition (from <windows.h>).
    (No, I am not working on the EasyHack fdo#82580 as a whole. It is
    intended for some less mature LO contributor. I just did a few small
    things because I couldn't resist.)
    Change-Id: Idab79503b3d899ef19f0608677752a62b20302ff
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