• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Add .component <implementation constructor="..." feature · ae3a0c8d
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...to directly call constructor functions of ComponentContext-based C++
    implementations of (non-single-instance) UNO services.  The case where these
    calls would need to be bridged across different environments (e.g., from gcc3
    to gcc3:affine) is not yet implemented.
    bootstrap.component and expwrap.component are adapted accordingly as a proof-of-
    concept (which had previously been adapted to use the prefix="direct" feature,
    which may become unnecessary again in the end, depending on how to handle
    single-instance services/singletons).  More to follow.
    Change-Id: I18682d75bcd29d3d427e31331b4ce8161dbb846d
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