• Jan-Marek Glogowski's avatar
    Reorganize Scheduler priority classes · 00aa0892
    Jan-Marek Glogowski yazdı
    This is based on glibs classification of tasks, but while glib uses
    an int for more fine grained priority, we stay with our enum.
    1. Timers start with DEFAULT priority, which directly corresponds
       with the previous HIGH priority
    2. Idles start with DEFAULT_IDLE priority instead of the previous
       HIGH priority, so idle default becomes "really run when idle".
    As RESIZE and REPAINT are special, and the DEFAULTS are set, there
    is just one primary decision for the programmer: should my idle
    run before paint (AKA HIGH_IDLE)?
    If we really need a more fine-grained classification, we can add it
    later, or also switch to a real int. As a result, this drops many
    classifications from the code and drastically changes behaviour,
    AKA a mail merge from KDE is now as fast as Gtk+ again.
    Change-Id: I498a73fd02d5fb6f5d7e9f742f3bce972de9b1f9
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