• Armin Le Grand's avatar
    borderline: correct problems with border display · f65cbae8
    Armin Le Grand yazdı
    Borderline display with direct paint and with primitive direct
    paint has quite some errors in the current state. Started to
    unify usages, check deeper with creation/usage.
    borderline: deep changes to BorderLine
    Found basic error in determining the offset values
    for BorderLinePrimitive creation, these were not
    centered on the lines. Corrected that. This makes
    it possible to remove the formally used clipping
    which seems to have been used to correct that. Also
    allows to go back to a 'normal' decomposition that
    creates line primitives as expected. That again can
    then be painted quite normally.
    Also added view-dependent case to the decomposition
    to guarantee a gap of one discrete unit (pixel).
    Removed the direct painter, too. Checked and corrected
    borderline: Adapted previews to primitives
    Added code to use the primitive representation in
    all dialogs and apps using tables. The edit views
    use these mostly, so the preview should do that,
    too. Currently missing is a good visualization of
    diagonals, but this is also true for edit views.
    Checked all apps and table usages to not get worse
    borderline: correct line dash visualization
    When a dashed line is used, a factor of 10.0 was applied in the
    original coded, added that. Also the orientation of vertical
    borders was inverted since it was simpler to exchange Start/End,
    but this also mirrors the line dash visualisation, corrected that
    Change-Id: I4c1b380a76cb37389fab1259a53fb7cc9da982d1
    borderline: adapt cppunittest and clang
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