• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Turn redundant member direct-initializations into value-initializations · ebc635b9
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...the direct-initializations were introduced with
    032d5126 "cppcheck: fix some uninitMemberVar in
    configmgr part," presumably to avoid false positives from static analysis tools.
    But the initializations are redundant, as the invariants of the affected classes
    imply that the members have meaningful values at their points of use.  And the
    direct-initializations with arbitrary values make it harder for a maintainer to
    understand the relevant invariants, namely to ensure the members must have been
    assigned /meaningful/ values by the time they are used.  Give a (subtle) clue by
    making those into value-initializations.
    Change-Id: Iadb25fa08b6d6b12d5bf8a8f04271270b6a7f7cb
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