• Balazs Varga's avatar
    tdf#123828 XLSX combined chart export: fix order of axis types · 9be1b6cf
    Balazs Varga yazdı
    Also fix tdf#123833 and tdf#123837.
    In combined charts, now axis types are exported in the right order
    (catAx[1], valAx[1], catAx[2], valAx[2]). The Y axes are exported
    correctly with the correct axIDs of the chart types: the first one with
    the primary axId, the second one with the secondary axId. X category
    axis crosses the Y axis at the right place, all data series are attached
    to the right Y axis, and the Y major grid doesn't disappear.
    Note: don't export the CrossoverPosition/CrossoverValue, if the axis
    is deleted and invisible, because MSO will show the secondary X axis,
    even if the axis doesn't exist. The problem was the unnecessary export
    of the axis with the default css::chart::ChartAxisPosition_END
    CrossoverPosition value.
    Change-Id: Id429e654ff0ba45b5f9db877b7c4dd6e65433408
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/70814Reviewed-by: 's avatarLászló Németh <nemeth@numbertext.org>
    Tested-by: 's avatarLászló Németh <nemeth@numbertext.org>
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