• Mark Hung's avatar
    Convert handles of built-in shapes in Impress when exporting to PPTX. · 2b4f9d0b
    Mark Hung yazdı
    For those shapes exported as OOXML preset shapes, their AdjustmentValues
    property was exported as the list of adjustment values ( avLst )
    in the exported PPTX file. This works for shapes imported from
    PPTX, whose AdjustmentValues is exactly the same as avLst of the
    original PPTX file.
    For built-in shapes in Impress, avLst and AdjustmentValues would not
    be the same because the path and the equation created by LibreOffice
    and OOXML are not the same.
    This patch convert position of handles to adjustment values according to
    the shape type case by case. It also adds default values if the built-in
    shape in Impress has fewer handles then the exported preset shape because
    Powerpoint seems to be very strict about the number of values in avLst,
    and deemed the file as corrupted if any of defined adjustment values is
    Round-rectangular-callouts, rectangular-callout, and round-callouts
    are added to the blacklist so that they are exported as preset shapes.
    Change-Id: Icd1284790607e927b6a9a614ac463a96cadedd81
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/26479Tested-by: 's avatarJenkins <ci@libreoffice.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarMark Hung <marklh9@gmail.com>
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