• Michael Stahl's avatar
    gbuild: UnoApiTarget: initialize target local vars · f25ef2b9
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    Fixes the problem in offapi, where a rebuild after changing an IDL file
    would produce an offapi.rdb that contained the stale content of the
    old version of the IDL file.  This was because in offapi 2 rdb files are
    built, offapi.rdb and types.rdb, and types.rdb is a merge of udkapi.rdb
    and offapi.rdb, hence it depends on offapi.rdb.  Unfortunately this means
    that the UNOAPI_MERGE variable for types.rdb is inherited to
    offapi.rdb, with the result that after the workdir offapi.rdb is built
    from .urd files, it is overwritten by a merge of udkapi.rdb and a stale
    offapi.rdb from the solver.
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