• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    rhbz#1014010: Missing dependencies in isBootstrapType list · 254f59f6
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...the list has been fixed now by copying its elements into an ENTRIES file and
    running "unoidl-write udkapi/ @ENTITIES TEMP && unoidl-read TEMP >/dev/null" and
    adding any reported unknown entities until it succeeds.
    However, the updated list lead to deadlock when css.reflection.ParamInfo UnoType
    resolves css.reflection.XIdlClass UnoType resolves css.reflection.XIdlMethod
    UnoType resolves css.reflection.ParamInfo UnoType, so broke the circle by no
    longer resolving the interface methods' return and parameter types in
    InterfaceType::dumpMethodsCppuDecl (which is why those type infos are only
    generated on demand anyway; looks like this had been a careless thinko in the
    generation of comprehensive type info that had remained unnoticed all the time).
    Change-Id: I50ef2fde16242298e055c6fa5971e70fad1a2b68
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