• Justin Luth's avatar
    related tdf#123636 writerfilter: split newline also if PAGE_BREAK · 89e44da1
    Justin Luth yazdı
    ...but only with old MSWord compat flag SplitPgBreakAndParaMark.
    All of the other cases (COLUMN_BREAK and non-empty runs) split
    the paragraph, so why not here?  This document shows it is needed,
    but only for SplitPgBreakAndParaMark documents.
    Note: Word 2003 doesn't display "modern" docx well in this regard.
    It adds extra paragraphs where it shouldn't. There are already
    example unit tests that ensure that extra paragraphs aren't written
    for SplitPgBreakAndParaMark == false.
    The actual bug's document is not related to the compatibility flag.
    That will be handled in separate commit.
    Change-Id: I27399780c909663f9a2b21974a5b385bea67f9ec
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/70835
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarJustin Luth <justin_luth@sil.org>
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