• Justin Luth's avatar
    sw export: restore ww8 FormatBreak() to pre-2014 logic · 5f0cfbbe
    Justin Luth yazdı
    In LO 4.3, Feb 2014 commit a31fbb53
    totally changed the logic of the FormatBreak function, affecting
    doc and rtf even though the focus was only on docx. This was quickly
    patched for some specific cases, but the careless changes weren't fully
    Doing that now, because reading the code it just seems all wrong.
    As I understand it, there seems to typically be two passes - a valid
    pass for bBreakBefore and then a separate PageAfter pass. When DOC changed
    to prefer a breakBefore sprm, it removed the bBefore flag, did nothing
    on the bBreakBefore pass, and on the after pass, nC wasn't defined,
    so it did nothing extra.
    Dropping the bBefore flag probably broke the docx case.
    Docx commit a31fbb53 just blew that all
    away, and swapped when SectionBreak was called.
    Another 2014 patch restored the DOC PageBefore behaviour (nC not defined,
    so nothing happens), but didn't restore the PageAfter behaviour
    so SectionBreak was still swapped.
    So what logically seems to be needed is to restore the bBefore flag
    (prior to DOC's preference for breakBefore sprm), restore writing
    PageBreak_After in after pass, and ignore the FollowPageDesc
    (because it didn't seem to be included purposefully).
    PageAfter only seems to be UI possible in a table's text flow. So it is
    VERY uncommon (no instance at all in existing unit tests.) And, not
    surprisingly, it doesn't export a page break after the table in
    doc or docx format anyway. At least now it won't put the break BEFORE
    the table in docx.
    This will restore these previous behaviours:
    -doc/rtf: PageAfter no longer written in bBreakBefore stage
    -docx:  -PageAfter no longer written in bBreakBefore stage
    	-PageBefore not affected by FollowPageDesc.
    PageBefore is generally unaffected by this change, and now the
    test for page/column break matches again, as would be expected.
    Change-Id: I265541a04be49e6b60bfbd84c33ab5783b454058
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/64983Reviewed-by: 's avatarJustin Luth <justin_luth@sil.org>
    Tested-by: 's avatarJustin Luth <justin_luth@sil.org>
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarMiklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.com>
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