• Luboš Luňák's avatar
    map docx line alignment properly to writer's line-of-text align (bnc#820792) · 007f2dcf
    Luboš Luňák yazdı
    Apparently the top/bottom line of text alignment in writer is backwards
    compared to all others, while alignment to the top of a page puts
    an object's top edge at the top of the page, top of line of text
    puts the object on top of the line (i.e. bottom edge of the object
    at the line). The handling of NS_rtf::LN_YAlign suggests that swapping
    bottom and top in the input filter is the right way of handling this.
    Change-Id: I916c8ea0f2fd00de3e17b16b31433c9b6ba92e64
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