• Noel Power's avatar
    fix for fdo#69173 crasher · 751e238c
    Noel Power yazdı
    the layout changes for the basic IDE ( for the object browser and object
    catalog ) seem flacky, I have seen since those changes have been introduced
    some strange ( but random ) behaviour ( like the odd unrepeatable core ( maybe
    related to this ) and also sometimes Modules appearing in the tree under the
    wrong nodes etc. I'm no expert in the basic IDE code but this patch seems to
    fix the problem.
    However there is one drawback, in the core inducing scenario the tree view
    ( object catalog ) dissappears, this is because the patch suppresses the
    problematic layout in this case ( as the layout seem not to be currently able
    to deal with 'no-existent' (recently) deleted current window )
    Probably in this scenario a fallback currentwin (instead of nil) could be set
    this would behave better but ideally. Ultimately the layout class should
    probably be modified ( possibly redesigned )
    Change-Id: I9d1e23bd6fc4aae32aa78da8278c318f7051136a
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