• Miklos Vajna's avatar
    sw undo: add a Repair argument to the .uno:Undo/Redo commands · e9bcd347
    Miklos Vajna yazdı
    Undo/redo is limited to undo actions created by the same view in the LOK
    case, this argument removes this limit. This can be used by a client for
    "document repair" purposes, where undo/redo of others' changes is
    The sfx command dispatch has support for FASTCALL slots (a state
    function is not called, the command is always enabled) and also has
    support for state functions, but those functions only get the ID of the
    slots, not its parameters. What is needed here is a command that's
    disabled by default, but in case a Repair argument is used, then it's
    unconditionally enabled. So handle that case in the sfx dispatcher
    directly for now.
    Change-Id: I96c1130bf51abcdd722684b1fa4a8277f92fd555
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