• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Improvements on previous commit · a00c4e02
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    * Made XDatabaseContext inherit XDatabaseRegistrations non-optionally, adapted
      call-sites to just use XDatabaseContext w/o querying.  (The previous commit
      had inadvertantly effectively removed support for XDatabaseRegistrations from
      the ODatabaseContext implementation, as an optional UNO super-interface does
      not lead to a super-class in the corresponding C++ class hierarchy, but making
      the super-interface non-optional fixes that anyway.)
    * Adapted some more call-sites to just use XDatabaseContext w/o querying.
    * Added @since tag.
    * Replaced new uses of comphelper::ComponentContext::getUNOContext with
      comphelper::getComponentContext (see 03a9f139
      "ComponentContext::getUnoContext -> getComponentContext simplification;" I
      intend to get rid of comphelper/componentcontext.hxx much sooner than of
    Change-Id: I68d09f2dbe651629f79ed21cd40cdb6d6b32c624
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