• Michael Stahl's avatar
    xmloff: ODF export: fix redundant setting of GraphicStreamURL swapping · b3992ddc
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    XMLShapeExport::ImpExportGraphicObjectShape() unnecessarily swaps out
    the GraphicObject by calling setPropertyValue("GraphicStreamURL")
    even if the URL didn't actually change from what was retrieved
    just a couple lines earlier, incidentally swapping it in too.
    Well actually it isn't really swapped out, it's marked as auto-swapped,
    but nevertheless on getting the "ReplacementGraphicURL" property
    its Graphic will be replaced by swapping it in again.
    So don't do that, then it's only swapped in once.
    This speeds up round-tripping the ML bugdoc from 3:20 to 3:00.
    Change-Id: I65a211a0c225444c06d5516df9c6716360be46c0
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