• Miklos Vajna's avatar
    DOCX import: fix handling of dropdown SDT around cell · 419054c0
    Miklos Vajna yazdı
    There were two problems here:
    1) The CT_SdtContentCell handlers didn't emit the usual
    NS_ooxml::LN_CT_SdtBlock_sdtContent /
    NS_ooxml::LN_CT_SdtBlock_sdtEndContent tokens, so the dropdown control
    was not created (and then was created with the wrong anchor).
    2) In case the SDT was around the cell, the newline character was also
    added to the text of the currently selected entry, resulting in an
    invalid argument of SwXText::convertToTable(), so no table was created.
    Change-Id: I4806626181f40c6d26ff7b25f5dbb863967d8077
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