• Zolnai Tamás's avatar
    fdo#81237: 2D OpenGL charts was upside-down · 079c861f
    Zolnai Tamás yazdı
    The problem is that LO drawinglayer uses a coordinate system
    with an origin at the top-left corner of the screen, while
    OpenGL uses a complete coordinate system (with all four
    quarters, e.g.: allows negative values). The points in
    LO are always positive values which means they are drawn
    in the first quarter of the OpenGL coordinate system which
    also means that the origin is at the bottom-left corner
    of the scene. This difference causes the flipped scene.
    * To solve that problem scale the projection matrix with -1.0f
    along the y axis.
    * glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE) is necessary to avoid dropping primitives
    after scaling with -1.0.
    * Since projection matrix mirrors also the textures we don't need to
    do that inside the ConvertBitmapExToRGBATextureBuffer() method.
    Change-Id: Ieba642f3e665778a12368fe50a20865ec8f73514
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