• Tor Lillqvist's avatar
    Ugly fix for '%ld' vs. 'std::basic_string<char>::size_type' mismatch · 5bc1eac4
    Tor Lillqvist yazdı
    Just cast the size() return value to long int, which of course can cause
    breakage when the size_type (is that always the same as size_t?) is larger
    than long int. For 64-bit Windows code size_t is 64 bits but long is 32
    bits. I couldn't think of any simple totally correct solution that would work
    also on compilers without <stdint.h> and <inttypes.h> (MSVC2008), or without
    the z format specifier (all MSVC versions?).
    (Our SAL_PRI_SIZET is not available to a 3rd-party library like
    libcmis. Should libcmis grow corresponding configury to find out that?)
    Why does a C++ library like libcmis use C-style printf formats anyway? ;)
    Change-Id: I093655577bc1a50c137c79b648058f0823cc66c1
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