• Michael Stahl's avatar
    rhbz#988516: DOCX import: fix context stack when importing header/footer · 2b78f2cd
    Michael Stahl yazdı
    When a header/footer substream is parsed, a ParagraphGroup is started,
    but not ended; so the properties of the last paragraph in the
    header/footer are applied to a paragraph in the body.
    The obvious fix to add a call to endParagraphGroup() at the end of w:p
    element breaks table cells.  So add a call to endParagraphGroup() at
    the end of the "hdr"/"ftr" element.
    (The problem in the bugdoc became much more visible with commit
    ca555c59, but was there before)
    Change-Id: Ib054f1882793049b39424c1076ba5d4b319cd027
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