• Noel Grandin's avatar
    Convert indexOf->startsWith and lastIndexOf->endsWith · e2451bd7
    Noel Grandin yazdı
    This is both an optimisation and a cleanup.
    This converts code like
       aStr.indexOf("XX") == 0
    and converts code like
      aStr.lastIndexOf("XXX") == aStr.getLength() - 3
    Note that in general
      aStr.lastIndexOf("X") == aStr.getLength() - 1
    converts to
      aStr.isEmpty() || aStr.endsWith("X")
    so I used the surrounding context to determine if aStr could be empty
    when modifying the code.
    Change-Id: I22cb8ca7c2a4d0288b001f72adb27fd63af87669
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