• Caolán McNamara's avatar
    remove now pointless pItemDesruptList · 7480f766
    Caolán McNamara yazdı
    This pItemDesruptList is pointless now. We're registering the delete-when-idle
    items in their ctor's and deregistering in their dtor's which get called from
    the idle callback. The idea of pItemDesruptList appears to be for use in
    deleting any items at exit time whose idle callback didn't get called already.
    Which was done by DeleteOnIdleItems which itself was removed a while ago
    because nothing was calling it (for years). Some experiments in making it a
    simple singleton and/or one that hooks off default component dispose or
    XDesktop dispose shows that its crash city, so lets just remove the unused
    stuff outright rather than trying to fight to get some 12+ year unused appendix
    Change-Id: Ie0256d6987cf89a2a12db297065af09674547b3e
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