• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    tdf#124503: Support JRE installations with unknown java.vendor property · 3d27b2fa
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    After recent additions of 61c4f96d "Support
    AdoptOpenJDK" and 41507db5 "Support Amazon
    Corretto" to our hard-coded list, there is now reports that at least Debian and
    Ubuntu tried to distribute versions of OpenJDK with the java.vendor propety set
    to string like "Debian" or "Ubuntu".  Instead of trying to catch up with an
    ever-growing hard-coded list, it is probably better to stop relying exclusively
    on such a hard-coded list, and for unknown vendor values, try out whether the
    SunInfo backend (which supports the "generic" OpenJDK) would be able to handle
    the given JRE.  (For simplicity, assume that any versions of such JREs are
    supported.  Our baseline is Java 6, and there are unlikely any older versions of
    JREs from unknown vendors out there.  If this turns out to be problematic, we
    could include information about problematic vendors after all, or add a general
    check that JREs from unknown vendors are at least Java 6.)
    Many functions in jvmfwk/inc/vendorplugin.hxx that used to take a set of
    sVendor/sMinVersion/sMaxVerison/arExcludeList paramters had to be revised to
    take a vendorSettings parameter instead, and
    VendorSettings::getVersionInformation has been changed to return a
    boost::optional, so that unknown vendors can be handled gracefully.
    Change-Id: Ibf915f2ddd59e09b77e2c03be688cac0547b9ac9
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/70460
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: 's avatarStephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>
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