• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    Remove the sal.rtl.xub SAL_INFOs · afa4a054
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...that were apparently meant to flag cases where conversion from old tools
    strings to rtl strings was done wrongly.  But that flagging is probably of no
    use: SAL_INFOs are usually disabled, so won't be noticed; and SAL_WARN or assert
    would not be acceptable, as cases like 'nLen == 0x0FFFF' can legitimately
    happen with long strings.  I did a successful 'make check' with these SAL_INFOs
    temporarily turned into assert, so there seems to be at least no gross
    conversion error remaining.
    Change-Id: I57f11db9119fb12555e3bfef17c077ee5eef3844
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