Stephan Bergmann yazdı
At least building on Flathub makes presence of this information a hard requirement now (see <https://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2019/03/28/ new-appstream-validation-requirements/> and witness the failed <https://flathub.org/builds/#/builders/32/builds/3597>). The suggested way to calculate that information is via the form at <https://hughsie.github.io/oars/generate.html>, which I filled in as follows (the answers I selected are prefixed with "=>"): > By answering all the questions you can generate AppStream-compatible markup > for the upstream AppData file. > > If the user is able to "enable" NSFW or "adult" content, then this should be > included in the assessment even if it is turned off by default. > > What type of component are you generating content for: => Application that can connect to the Internet > OARS has multiple versions, and the newer versions include more questions > involving specific cultural and religious sensitivities. What version of OARS > metadata do you want to produce: => 1.0 (works with all clients) > Advertising > > Defined as the activity of producing advertisements for commercial products or > services. > > For example, this would include banners showing the Coca-Cola logo shown in a > Soccer game. => None > Gambling > > Defined as taking a risky action in the hope of a desired result. > > For example, this would include spinning a wheel to get in-app credits. => None > In-App Purchases > > Defined as items or points that a user can buy for use within a virtual world > to improve a character or enhance the playing experience. => None > Online Text-only Messaging > > Defined as any messaging system connected to the Internet. => None > Online Audio and Video Messaging > > Defined as any multimedia messaging system connected to the Internet. => None > Contact Details > > Defined as sharing identifiable details with other users to allow out-of-band > communication. => None > Information Sharing > > Defined as sharing information with a legal entity typically used for > advertising or for sending back diagnostic data. > > For example, this would include sending your purchasing history to Amazon. => None > Location Sharing > > Defined as sharing your physical real-time location. > > For example, this would include uploading the GPS co-ordinates of your current > location. NOTE: This does not include heuristic based location services, e.g. > GeoIP and others. => None > The following markup can be pasted into the existing application AppData file. > > <content_rating type="oars-1.0" /> Change-Id: I063484d8031892c20f88999c5a9beeae3666511c Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/72581 Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by:
Stephan Bergmann <sbergman@redhat.com>