• Stephan Bergmann's avatar
    SolarMutex does not belong into the URE interface · 11fd73ac
    Stephan Bergmann yazdı
    ...so move it from osl/mutex.hxx to its own comphelper/solarmutex.hxx.  It looks
    like a newbie mistake that 59e7685d "Create an
    abstract interface to be used to implement a SolarMutex" put it here in the
    first place.
    I do not consider this an incompatible change really, as no external URE client
    code should have used SolarMutex anyway.
    (Also included some clean up, like removing unused
    {Clearable,Resettable}SolarGuard, and spelling out SolarGuard in the few places
    it is used.)
    Change-Id: I121ffb5b7cefbc19e88b5405e5a85ffc895be852
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